Anamnesis / Medical history
Beginning of therapy
Anamnesis / Medical history
Anamnesis is the process of recording a patient's medical history. Not only the current complaints are recorded, it may also be necessary to record the medical history of the family or similar. A careful anamnesis is the basis of the treatment. You can help us with the recording of your medical history by bringing all documents from previous treatments to the examinations.
A report can be made clinically or using diagnostic equipment. We have X-ray equipment, a device for measuring bone density, laboratory tests, ECG and much more at our disposal. The overall findings only emerge from an overview of the individual partial findings.
After the patient's medical history and findings have been recorded, everything in the treatment process is put together like a jigsaw puzzle and finally results in the overall picture, the diagnosis. Often several diagnoses can be considered. This is called differential diagnosis. In order to find the right one out of the possible differential diagnoses, a lot of experience and sometimes further diagnostics are necessary. The aim is to be able to treat the patient in a targeted way in the end.
Therapy is about solving the patient's problem. We make use of all available therapeutic means. Whether shock wave therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, surgery, insoles, chirotherapy or other procedures, the aim is to help the patient.
It is the most beautiful part of our work, when after anamnesis, findings, diagnosis and therapy the therapy success occurs. Patient satisfaction is our greatest reward.
Individual health service
Von Individuellen Gesundheitsleistungen spricht man, wenn eine Leistung von der Krankenkasse nicht übernommen wird und vom Patienten selbst zu tragen ist. Nach dem Grundsatz der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen müssen Leistungen damit sie übernommen werden: „ausreichend, zweckmäßig und wirtschaftlich“ sein. Wirtschaftlich bedeutet, dass Kosten im Gesundheitswesen eine große Rolle spielen und dass es darum geht, Ihre Behandlung möglichst kostensparend zu gestalten.
Sufficient means that something that is better or good will not be paid if there is something sufficient. As an example, one can mention dental fillings with amalgam at the dentist. Here too amalgam is sufficient, but it is almost no longer used because there are better materials. A treatment of the tennis elbow with X-rays is taken over, a radiation-free therapy with shock wave or acupuncture is not taken over.
Treatment at the expense of health insurance
Private health insurance companies
In the case of treatment at the expense of the private health insurance companies, you yourself settle the bill with your insurance company and receive benefits as agreed in the insurance contract. If you are in doubt whether a service will be assumed by your health insurance, we will be happy to prepare a cost estimate prior to treatment.
Statutory health insurance funds
We are approved for treatment at the expense of all statutory health insurers. The services are provided in accordance with the catalogue of services of the health insurance companies. In addition, some insurance companies offer special services. We will be happy to inform you if something like this is of interest for you.
Treatment at the expense of professional associations
The statutory accident insurance was reminded by Kaiser Wilhelm I. gegenüber Bismarck angemahnt, um die arbeitende Bevölkerung gegenüber Arbeitsunfällen und Ihren Folgen zu schützen. Die Berufsgenossenschaften und die gesetzliche Unfallversicherung sind auf der Welt einmalig. Ihre Aufgabe ist bis heute die Arbeitskraft zu erhalten und im Falle eines Arbeitsunfalles die schnellstmögliche Rückkehr ins Berufsleben zu erreichen.
Grundsätze wie Rehabilitation vor Rente machen dies deutlich. Um Arbeitsunfälle als Durchgangsarzt zu behandeln, werden besondere Ansprüche an die fachliche Qualifikation und die räumlichen Gegebenheiten gestellt. An unseren Standort Flörsheim sind alle Voraussetzungen gegeben. Auch an unseren anderen Standorten kann die Erstbehandlung erfolgen. In Abstimmung mit dem Durchgangsarzt in Flörsheim wird dann die weitere Behandlung geplant.